Speedtouch 780wl Driver Download

DriversLast week I replaced my Siemens SX551 (VOIP, WIFI, ADSL router) due to hardware problems with the Speedtouch 780WL (also VOIP, WIFI, ADSL router). I also have a Synology DS-106e in the network.
Since I connected the Speedtouch (ST) I can't reach the synology with it's local IP adress via WIFI (the header of IE says Synology disk station but then the connection seems to be broken because the page itself won't load). Also mapping a drive is impossible (if I do this in explorer and click on it I get the directory listing but then it won't do anything anymore).

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It seems there is a short connection which is broken immediately. If I use ethernet there is no problem and also another webserver in the network (a dreambox satellite reciever) is reachable through WIFI so only the Synology doesn't work. When I use a laptop running Windows XP it does work over WIFI. Turning the firewalls off on the Vista laptop and router also doesn't make a difference (which I expected because with the SX551 it worked fine with the internal firewalls on).
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Both devices (Synology and Speedtouch have the newest firmware).
I think this is related with the speedtouch because when I use the Siemens it works again, but the problem also only exists with the Synology because other network devices (like the dreambox or other computers) I can reach. What's also strange is that the XP laptop does connect to the Synology with WIFI, but the Vista 64 bits doesn't with the speedtouch (and does with the Siemens).

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With the Vista laptop I can reach the Synylogy webinterface via the internet and the drives via FTP, but not local in the network.

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My hope is that someone can shed a light on this problem because I can't use the Synology as easy the NAS now for which it is designed (only through FTP). Thank you for your trouble.
After a little more trying I found out that FTP and HTTP have the above problem, but telnetting to the NAS's local IP gives a connection which stays. maybe this will help someone get an idea.